I also love how this ensemble pairs so well with sneakers, which is pretty much what I want to wear everyday (especially while on travel!). I wonder how we ever survived before the sneaker trend??
Gorgeous ironwork adorns the buildings in this town, and I learned that majority of them are done by one artisan blacksmith – Philip Simmons. Having an interest in craftspeople as a child, Philip Simmons had the talent and skills to become a full blacksmith in his teenage years. According to the Philip Simmons Foundation – “The city of Charleston from end to end is truly decorated by his hand”.
Next time you’re in Charleston, make sure to take special note of the artful ironworks around the city!
Photos: Clifford Pate
Marques Almeida asymmetrical top (similar here)
Helmut Lang asymmetrical bra
Marques Almeida skirt
Topshop sneakers
Stella McCartney cat eye sunglasses (leopard print version here)
Kenneth Jay Lane earring